Anadrol is an oral steroid that can result in dramatic weight gain when used in a bulking cycle. Some users will take Anadrol for the first 6 weeks of a cycle as a kick start to the introduction of other anabolic steroids in a given cycle. This compound is extremely popular in the bodybuilding industry and also plays a key role in the life of a powerlifter who is often trying to accomplish almost impossible or unattainable goals.
The androgen-anabolic steroid Oxymetholone, known in the world of sports as Anadrol, is currently enjoying unprecedented popularity. This steroid is extremely well known by all those in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. The original goal of scientists in the invention of this steroid was the treatment of various pathologies. Little did they know that this anabolic steroid would be used for so much more!
However, among bodybuilders, this substance began to be in demand precisely after the advertisement came out, where the titled bodybuilder from the USA Daniel Duchaine took part. Many know him as the “Steroid Guru.” It was Daniel who praised Anapol (another name for Oxymetholone) as an affordable alternative to Danabol. And, as it turned out, he did it for good reason. Indeed, at the moment, Anadrol is recognized as one of the strongest pharmacological agents that has been used by athletes of various varieties of sports for half a century. It is known as Adrol for short and is used by many in bulking cycles.
General information about the great and powerful Oxymetholone
This drug is a synthetic steroid, the anabolic effect of which is pronounced. Initially, this substance was developed for the treatment of osteoporosis, anemia and as a maintenance of muscular strength in patients who were poorly fed or were weakened due to any past pathologies. Reason being is that Anadrol has the power to pack on a considerable amount of size in a short period of time. For this reason, Anadrol has been used to help those in need of putting on weight due to underlying muscle wasting diseases.
The key effect of anabolic steroids is aimed at increasing the production of red blood cells by stimulating the production of erythropoietin (a natural hormone). Due to this, oxygen begins to flow better to cells in the body. When oxygen is able to flow better, more productive workouts take place. Better pumps will occur and the muscles get an intense surge of power to push more weight in the gym.
Since the 2000s, Anadrol has been very actively used in the sports field, but most of all in bodybuilding. Since the benefits of Anadrol are increased weight gain and size, athletes and bodybuilders typically only use this steroid when bulking. You will rarely find a person that uses this steroid right before a competition. Why? Because Anadrol not only adds muscle and size, it also adds water or excess fluid to the body. This is not good for those whose goal is to get extremely lean and shredded prior to stepping on stage. The fact was that for a long time its anabolic effect was confined to the ability to retain fluid in the body (it was assumed that this factor provided a strong weight gain). However, nowadays, the use of Oxymetholone cycle is not limited to taking exclusively in the pre-competition period.
And here it is worth saying that this drug is recognized as a powerful synthetic anabolic. As a rule, athletes who want to quickly build muscle are taking this steroid for themselves. It isn’t only the bodybuilders that love Anadrol (Anapolon) profile. Powerlifters will use this steroid during a bulking phase to gain a considerable amount of strength in the hopes of reaching a personal record while competing.
Anadrol enters the pharmacological market in two formats:
- Injectable;
- Oral
In addition, this anabolic is characterized by the highest anabolic activity (protein synthesis increases significantly). Just imagine, as much as 320% of testosterone (while testosterone itself has only 100%). Simply put, this steroid accelerates protein synthesis to such an extent that the athlete begins to gain weight right before his eyes. And most importantly, with all this, the parameter of androgenic activity (we are talking about the manifestation of male traits in the fair sex, as well as the suppression of these traits in the male community) is only 30% of testosterone. Can you imagine taking Anadrol for 6 weeks and getting explosive lifts? Not to mention adding at least 10lbs of muscle! Talk about a goal that you crushed… Why not use this potent anabolic in your next steroid stack?
If we talk about the use of this anabolic in the field of medicine, then it enters into battle with such ailments as:
- Dystrophy
- Cancer (increases vitality and helps to gain weight).
- Radiation sickness.
The list does not stop there. This drug has proven to be an excellent tool for the treatment of injuries in sports.
In general, Anadrol has a unique ability – it contributes to weight gain in the shortest amount of time. And more precisely – some users report gaining more than 15lbs of muscle in just one cycle. These results are not to be expected for each individual that chooses to use Anadrol. A surplus of calories consisting of healthy foods in addition to intense training and a strict schedule should be followed if users expect to gain muscle and size from an Anadrol cycle.
Anadrol’s work – is it true that this is a “quick bomb”
So, just how does Anadrol work? Look below:
- Helps accelerate the emergence of new cells.
- Increases metabolism.
- Accelerates the synthesis of hemoglobin.
- Stimulates bleeding.
The first thing this substance does is to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of collagen. And collagen, in turn, increases the elasticity of the musculoskeletal tissue, which allows it to withstand significant loads. This is extremely important for individuals that spend countless hours in the gym trying to reach personal goals and pushing their muscles past the limits.
In addition, the work of Oxymetholone in bodybuilding is not only an increase in body weight but it also contributes to the process of activating other systems that are directly involved in increasing water and fat levels. And this is another plus in effective weight gaining. As we have already indicated, Anadrol is great for bulking or mass gaining cycles. Decent weight can be gained in a short amount of time.
Is it true that this is a “quick bomb”? The answer is clear – yes, true. The speed of this substance is so high that you can already feel the full power of the anabolic in the first week of the cycle. Some will tell you they feel the effects of this powerful anabolic after just one day. But you should be the judge of that! Well, Anadrol will reveal all the pharmacological internal reserves after three to five weeks. It turns out that the cycles with its application are quite short. Anadrol is rarely ever used for more than around 6 weeks. It can be used to kickstart a cycle that uses other anabolic steroids. But, once the cycle is completed, some of the weight gained from Anadrol is water weight.
As mentioned above, it is believed that this drug retains fluid. But with these features, it is also characterized by excellent fat-burning actions. The greatest effect is noticeable in the abdomen. And this is precisely the area that is difficult to “eliminate” fatty deposits.
How to use oxymetholone to bypass side effects
Of course, many are interested in the very logical question: “How to use Oxymetholone?” The cycle with this substance is prescribed for athletes in the age category 18+, if there are no contraindications. Well, in general, doctors recommend taking this anabolic from the age of 21. It isn’t uncommon for some users to be under the age of 18. Some individuals are more mature than others and have goals they want to accomplish. We don’t condone the use of anabolics for users that are under 18 but it is up to the user to choose this lifestyle.
It is used, as a rule, at the stage of gaining muscle mass, in the offseason. Its use is advisable at the very beginning of a long cycle of steroids. This is necessary in order to dramatically “load” the work of all the steroids used. Before embarking on a cycle, you should consider getting examined by your physician if you have underlying medical conditions that may interfere or worsen with the use of anabolics.
As for the dosage and duration of the cycle, the standard length of a cycle is typically 6 weeks. The dose is determined by the individual. Not all users will take the same amount of Anadrol or any other substance. It is important to assess your own tolerance level and pay attention to how your own body responds to the steroid. And, of course, the goal, the pharmacological experience and the characteristics of the organism take place. The recommended duration of use of Anadrol is from four to six weeks. But it is best not to exceed this duration, since the substance is hepatotoxic enough and the effectiveness of this will not increase. On the contrary, the appearance of a “side effect” is possible. So neglecting the recommended duration of the course is not worth it.
Doses should be divided and taken throughout the day. You can choose to take Anadrol on an empty stomach or before a meal. Either way the effects will still be felt and seen. And don’t forget about Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). Some will skip this part of the routine but it is important to consider running PCT in order to allow the body to fully recover before beginning the next anabolic cycle.
In certain circumstances, professional bodybuilders are allowed a single dose of high doses of Anadrol immediately before the start. This approach makes it possible to obtain a powerful accumulation of glycogen. From here – voluminous and full muscles can be seen.
In addition, athletes with intolerance to steroids with an androgenic high index can also use this tool. As a rule, this applies to those athletes who, due to heredity, are likely to have prostate hypertrophy, as well as baldness.
If it is about sports, then experts recommend the use of this steroid exclusively during a difficult training process. This can be an isolated cycle, or combined with other substances. And the thing is that Anadrol enhances metabolic processes, but it has a weak effect on the glands, which are responsible for the production of androgens (these are sex hormones), thereby provoking their deficiency. So, in order to increase the efficiency, hormone replenishment from the outside is allowed through the combined use of Anadrol with other substances (an excellent companion in this matter is Testosterone Enanthate). It is crucial to incorporate some form of Testosterone as the base steroid to all anabolic cycles…for many reasons!
But as for the use of Anadrol for sale in a cutting cycle, due to the significant water retention, Oxymetholone is rarely ever used. But if, nevertheless, this drug is used for cutting, then hormones (Prolactin and Estradiol) should be controlled.
To achieve maximum performance, do not forget not only to follow the instructions for use, but also about a special diet for building muscle strength. Not superfluous – the acquisition and use of integrated sports nutrition.
Specialists during the cycle encourage users to train hard, fill up with protein and calcium nutrition, as well as getting ample and sound sleep. As for alcohol and psychotropic substances, this is a taboo. Why put in all the hard work and then drink your gains away! Simply pointless.
Also, do not forget that the cycle of Anadrol will allow you to achieve the greatest effectiveness not in the case of the “ladder” or “pyramid” course, namely when using the same standard dosage, from the beginning to the very end of the cycle.
What is the best Anadrol dosage for men in bodybuilding
And here is the most important question: “What dosages of Anadrol are recommended?” In most cases, the initial dosage is 50 mg per day. It is suitable for lovers and male beginners. However, for the most fierce “chemists”, 150 mg per day may be needed. This, of course, is only for the pros. Always adjust your dose accordingly!
Here it is worth saying that there are also those daredevils who consume 300 mg per day. This is not worth doing. The term bigger is better should not apply here. By taking such a high dose, the user is putting extreme stress on the liver. And results won’t happen any quicker or be any better. More harm than help will happen in this case! And then these changes occur against the background of combination with other anabolic steroids. Therefore, the best thing is to wait a couple of days before increasing the dosage. This is the only way to make sure that you are actually lacking the current dosage.
Oxymetholone Cycles – Are Mixes Possible with Other Steroids?
To the question: “Are” mixes “possible with other steroids” you can safely and firmly answer “yes.” However, there is one “but.” Oxymetholone cycles in tandem with 17-alpha-alkyl steroids are not recommended by specialists. Taking into account a very fast anabolic effect, Anadrol is great for a “quick start” – the effect is felt almost instantly.
So, to gain muscle mass, the recommended combination of Anadrol with:
- Boldenone
- Trenbolone
- Primobolan
- Deca-Durabolin
- Sustanon-250
- Methenolone
To increase strength indicators, combinations with a suspension of stanozolol and testosterone esters are suitable.
But the following are recognized as the most successful combinations:
- For muscle gain – Oxymetholone (40 tablets) + Boldenone (10 ml) + Provimed (20 tablets) + Clomid (20 tablets). This is a great variation for those who need to quickly build muscle strength, as well as increase strength indicators. So, if your goal is a radical change in physical form, then this combination is just what you need. With each week, the anabolic effect will only increase.
- To increase strength indicators – Anadrol (40 tablets) + Clomid (20 tablets) + Winstrol (20 ml). For beginners, this cycle will not be the best variation. But for pros or amateurs, behind whom a wealth of experience using steroids is the same. The result will turn out to be of high quality.
As for the duration of the course, in both cases it is no more than ten weeks. And last but not least, don’t expect to see or feel any gains without a well balanced nutrition program and consistent training routine.
Anadrol dosage for women – is this drug dangerous for female athletes?
Despite the fact that the vast majority believes that Anadrol is almost the most terrible drug for beautiful women due to the symptoms of virilization, the practice suggests the opposite. Based on medical studies, during which the attractive young athletes took Anadrol at a dosage of 50 mg per day for a long period of time, only a minimal probability of virilization symptoms was revealed.
Of course, the daily dosage of 50 mg for bodybuilding pros is not high. However, for a significant mass of athletes, this dosage will be enough to surpass the result. Even the dosage of Anadrol for women in 25 mg will be accompanied by a good result. And with all this, the risk of adverse reactions will be minimized.
The duration of the course for experienced athletes should not exceed more than eight weeks. If we are talking about female novices or amateurs, then the duration of the cycle should be no more than four weeks.
Often, women are excluded when the topic of anabolic steroids is raised. But females are just as serious about training, adding muscle, becoming leaner and reaching personal records and/or goals. So, Anadrol can be used by women. Adjust doses accordingly as always.
The effect of the use of Anadrol – are there any “pitfalls”
Some when using anabolic steroids are afraid, so to speak, of “pitfalls”. What if the effect of Anadrol is not expected? You cannot worry, the positive features of the steroid will be immediately noticeable:
- Dense, stiff and solid muscular strength builds up. On average, about 8lbs but the maximum value reaches 15+ pounds (we are talking only about one course of solo). And here it’s worth saying that this steroid is known precisely as a highly effective anabolic “tool” regarding rapid weight gain. The parameter of its set is incomparable with any other similar anabolic. Due to this, Oxymetholone is a favorite of a significant number of athletes at the off-season stage. In some cases, before the competition itself.
- Significantly increases physical strength. And this in turn will affect the athlete’s performance and, of course, his self-confidence. This drug is able to accumulate glycogen and fluid in the body. Thus, in the shortest possible time, strength indicators increase. And this is the best variation for representatives of power varieties of sports.
- The degree of endurance will increase, which will allow users to carry out planned training processes more intensively. And endurance increases due to an increase in the number of red blood cells.
- In addition, joint mobility will increase, as well as prevention of the occurrence of pain in the joints themselves, and existing pains will self-destruct.
- The amount of fat in the abdomen will decrease WITH diet.
In general, the effect is definitely not long in coming.
Adverse Reactions of Oxymetholone – What You Can Face in Practice
This substance was often simply shrouded in scary stories of insane undesirable manifestations. However, a significant part of the adverse reactions of Oxymetholone manifests itself in the event that the level of estradiol is overestimated. And interestingly, the substance does not aromatize at all, since it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. There are many suggestions, due to which its use is accompanied by the appearance of estrogenic adverse reactions. So what can be encountered in practice?
Gynecomastia is a frequent athlete companion. Some suggest that Anadrol is characterized by progestogen activity. Regarding the manifestation of adverse reactions, progestins and estrogens are very similar. So at first glance the prevailing opinion may seem quite plausible. Not all users will experience the onset or development of man boobs. Pay attention to your body and notice any changes both physically, mentally and emotionally.
However, there are medical studies that clarify this issue. During them, it was revealed that no significant progestogen events were found.
But it is worth considering the fact that Anadrol is a powerful androgen. Therefore, oily skin, bouts of acne on the face, chest, back and shoulders, increased hair growth, both on the face and on the whole body – these are all completely normal manifestations while taking this steroid.
In addition, when using this drug, such a side effect as hepatotoxic effect can show itself. The thing is that when passing through the liver tissue, Oxymetholone does not undergo splitting. It follows from this that its main component negatively affects the liver. However, it is always worth remembering rationality. Therefore, if you choose the right dosage, the toxic effect on the liver will be minimized.
But the most common side effect is an increase in blood pressure. The volume of fluid increases, therefore, blood pressure rises. When blood pressure rises this can have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system as well as cholesterol levels.
Also, against the background of the use of Anadrol, migraine may occur, cholesterol levels may increase. But the rarest companion is diarrhea. For the most part, these are intestinal disorders that occur when the recommended dosage is abused.
The above drug is actually a powerful anabolic steroid. No wonder many call it “great and mighty.” However, it’s worthwhile to be reasonable in everything. Recommended dosages should not be neglected so as not to harm your health. He has not so many “side effects”. Well, when they occur, there are special drugs that can do this perfectly.
Do not neglect post-cycle therapy as well – this is a mandatory step. Well and most importantly – Anadrol has proven itself among athletes, so there is no doubt in its effectiveness.
I have been taking Anadrol for women for the last 6 months and I have seen dramatic changes in my body. I am not only more lean, but also more vascular. My strength has also increased by a lot over time and my recovery time has shortened immensely. My physique has changed dramatically and I am now leaner than ever before! Thanks to the the use of Anadrol!
I always relied on supplements to boost my performance and get ready for competitions. I tried Anadrol because I wanted something to give me that extra edge. The benefits of Anadrol are amazing. I had no side effects and I got the results I wanted. The effect of the use of Anadrol is amazing. I was able to get the muscle mass I wanted within a very short time. It is also one of the best steroids that you can use to cut and get rid of excess fat.
The two best aspects of the androgen-anabolic steroid Oxymetholone are its power and its ability to suppress appetite. It is therefore a fantastic PWO. And a crucial tool for maintaining fullness and preventing hunger during cutting. If you want to use oxymetholone for cutting, I recommend that you stack it with a fat burner.
I have been using Anadrol for sale for about 16 months now, and the benefits I have seen are incredible. My muscles are the most defined they have ever been, and my sex drive has never been better. I also feel a lot less lethargic in my day to day life. Even at my age, I am still able to find dates with ease because of how much more attractive and youthful I look now. If you take Anadrol, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
The Anadrol cycle is ideal during the middle-stage dieting phase. Keeps you strong, helps you crush the gym even on low-carb days, and helps you control your appetite, which helps control your cravings. Also, the combination of Anadrol with Winstrol is an excellent way to maximize muscle growth and minimize fat gain.
Anadrol is the best steroid for bodybuilders. It has a number of benefits that come with it and is one of the most famous anabolic steroids out there. It’s good for your cardiovascular system doesn’t have as many adverse reactions of Oxymetholone, and has a lot of benefits for muscle building. I would highly recommend Anadrol dosage for women, as it can be a great alternative to Oxymetholone, and also helps with weight gain.
I started taking 500mg doses of Anadrol a week and it’s been incredible! I immediately saw the difference in my muscle size and strength. All my lifts are significantly more powerful, which makes me feel like I’ve never felt before. The cycle of Anadrol is also very impressive. I’ve had zero negative side effects, and for the first time in my life I’m actually getting some muscle-building pumps!
For me, 200-250 mg dosages of Anadrol is excellent. Oxymetholone cycles offer all I require and feel wonderful. I conducted a low-dose test propionate cycle from weeks 13 to 21. It is definitely advised to use propionate at the end because this is the best I have ever felt during PCT.
Anadrol will attach to the same receptors as DHT binds to when discussing fat loss, implying that this will result in fat loss. Yes, all steroids, including DHT, Test, and Anadrol, bind to the androgen receptor. For DHT specifically, there is no distinct receptor. The same AR receptors are occupied by every AAS (though some have a stronger affinity to do so than others, and though some have an affinity to other receptors like the estrogen or progestin receptor). Therefore, the cycle of Anadrol will result in the same fat loss that DHT does. Also, the doses of Anadrol used to burn fat are not high enough to cause water retention.
I first tried Anadrol cycle about a year ago when I was looking to build more muscle. I had been using it for about six weeks and had gained around 10 pounds of muscle. I ran into a lot of problems with my joints after the first six weeks and switched to a different supplement, but Anadrol is great if you just want to pack on mass. Also, combination of Anadrol and proviron works great for cutting, but you have to keep your dose of proviron at around 10mg or less. Use a good liver detoxifier when using this product!
Everyone I know loves the effect of the use of Anadrol, which is excellent for bodybuilding thanks to its powerful pumps that stretch the muscles for growth, quick recovery times, and fantastic muscular fullness. The benefits of Anadrol also allow you to lift higher weights and makes you feel wonderful.
I recently began a fresh cycle of Anadrol (Oxymetholone)! In addition to Arimidex, I also take clomiphene. It appears to be functioning quite nicely! I can’t believe how strong I am right now! 300 kg deadlifting for repetitions!