Liquid SARMs are a relatively new product on the bodybuilding scene, but they have already made a big impact. Some people view them as a more natural alternative to traditional steroids, while others claim that they are not nearly as effective. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at liquid SARMs and examine the pros and cons of using them. We will also discuss how they compare to traditional steroids and whether or not they are a safe option for bodybuilders. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of what liquid SARMs are and whether or not they are right for you.
What is a liquid SARM?
Liquid SARMs are an alternative to steroids. They are pretty much the same as oral SARMs but the difference is, instead of taking it as a pill, liquid SARMs are taken as drops under your tongue. This is because SARMs are not meant to enter the digestive system and it’s also an easier way of getting the correct dose. The term “SARM” stands for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, while a “steroid alternative” means that it works in a similar fashion to steroids but with fewer side effects.
The main benefit of liquid SARM is that they have a lot fewer side effects compared to other supplements such as prohormones and legal steroids. Other supplements can be very harsh on your liver and cause some serious damage. SARMS on the other hand do not affect your liver in any harmful way at all, making them much safer than traditional alternatives.
Why liquid SARMs are much better than anabolic steroids?
There are a lot of speculations as to whether liquid SARMs are better than anabolic steroids. The “better” part can be debatable, but we can assure you that when it comes to safety, liquid SARMs are indeed the better choice compared to anabolic steroids.
For many reasons, athletes have switched from injecting steroids, to dropping liquid SARMs. The first reason is that liquid SARMs offer a much more targeted approach. When you take anabolic steroids, they travel through your entire body and can cause some unwanted side effects. Liquid SARMs on the other hand only affects the muscles that you are targeting, making them a much safer option.
Another big benefit of using liquid SARMS is that they do not damage your liver in any way. Anabolic steroids can be very harmful to your liver and can cause some serious long-term damage. Liquid SARMs do not have any of these negative effects and are therefore a much safer choice.
Finally, another major advantage of liquid SARMs over anabolic steroids is that they are not illegal in most countries. Anabolic steroids are classified as a Schedule III drug in the United States and are illegal to sell without a license. The side effects of steroids can also be very serious, whereas SARMs do not have nearly as many negative effects. In fact, if used responsibly, there may be no negative side effects at all!
How does a liquid SARM work inside the body?
Liquid SARMs are administered as droplets directly under your tongue. This makes it very easy to get the correct dosage and ensures that you are not taking too much. The other benefit is that the SARMs do not need to go through your digestive system, which could affect their overall effectiveness.
After you take liquid SARMs, they will enter your bloodstream almost immediately because of their delivery method (under the tongue). This also means that there isn’t any time for them to be broken down by enzymes in your liver before entering the bloodstream. When taken orally, anabolic steroids could easily be broken down by enzymes in your stomach while passing through to your intestines. Once broken down like this, steroids lose a lot of their effectiveness.
One big difference between traditional oral steroids versus liquid SARMs is that liquid SARMs attach themselves to receptors in your muscles, while traditional steroids attach to receptors all over your body. When you take liquid SARMs, they will only attach to the receptors that are in the muscle tissue that you are targeting. This makes them much more effective and efficient than traditional anabolic steroids.
In other words, liquid SARMs work by targeting specific receptors in your muscle tissue. When these receptors are activated, they initiate a series of events that leads to increased muscle protein synthesis. This ultimately results in more muscle growth and size.
What are the positive effects of using liquid SARMS?
Liquid SARMs carry a bunch of positive effects that users can absolutely enjoy. These are some of those benefits:
Increased testosterone levels: Using liquid SARMs can increase your testosterone levels due to its anabolic nature.
Increased recovery: Once again, due to SARMs being anabolic in nature, they can greatly increase your recovery rate which will allow you to train harder and more often.
More intense workouts: As a result of those two benefits mentioned above, it will be much easier for you to workout with intensity as you’ll feel less fatigue and your muscles won’t feel as tired after your sets.
Lean muscle gain: You should see some good lean muscle gains while using liquid SARMs which is the final benefit that we will mention here. However, keep in mind that everyone’s body reacts differently to these compounds so results may vary based on the individual user’s genetic makeup.
Better sleep: Using SARMs will help you sleep much better at night because it releases a lot of growth hormones which is what helps you have a deep and restful sleep.
Increased lean muscle mass: This benefit goes without saying as increased levels of testosterone and other anabolic hormones will directly result in increased lean muscle mass.
Enhanced vascularity: Liquid SARMs can also help to enhance vascularity which will give you that “pumped up” look all the time.
Now that we know some of the benefits of using liquid SARMs, let’s take a look at some of the side effects that you may experience.
What are the Negative effects of abusing liquid SARMs?
Abusing SARMs, more specifically liquid SARMs, can still lead to some adverse effects in spite of them being safer than anabolic steroids. Here are some of the potential side effects of liquid SARMs:
Decreased natural testosterone production: As your body will begin to produce less natural testosterone, it can become more difficult to maintain optimal hormone levels without the use of additional supplements.
Decreased sperm count: If liquid SARMs are taken for an extended period of time, you may experience a drop in your sperm count which could result in infertility.
Dry joints: If liquid SARMs are abused for a long time it can lead to dry joints which is not very pleasant at all.
Possible liver toxicity: Research has shown that some SARMs may cause liver damage and this is likely due to the fact that they carry a high anabolic rating.
Higher chance of getting cancer: You may be wondering why we would say this as you’ll see shortly, but it’s believed by many experts in the medical field that one of the side effects of abusing liquid SARMs could potentially lead to increased rates of developing cancer. However, keep in mind that research on these compounds is relatively young so more studies need to be carried out before any conclusions can be made.
Since we know that you don’t want to experience the possible side effects above, we’ve made a list of some liquid SARMs and their corresponding dosage instructions depending on your body goals.
Examples of liquid SARMs and what are their proper dosages?
Myostine YK11 10mg/ml
Myostine YK11 is a liquid SARM that has been known to produce quality lean muscle gains with minimal side effects. It was made in Japan and is primarily used for bodybuilding purposes.
- Bulking: To use Myostine YK11 for bulking purposes, the dosage should be set at 20-30mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks.
- Cutting: If you’re looking to cut while using Myostine YK11, the dosage should be set at 10-15mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks.
- Recovery: 10mg per day is the suggested dosage for recovery purposes.
Stenabolic SR-9009 20mg/ml
Stenabolic is a SARM that first came out in the year 2013 and it’s currently used for enhancing endurance. It was originally developed in France and is known to help improve cardiovascular performance.
- Bulking: 20-30mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks should produce high-quality bodybuilding results.
- Recovery: 10mg per day can be used as the suggested dosage for recovery purposes.
- Cutting: 5-10mg per day is the ideal dosage to achieve fat loss when using Stenabolic.
Testolone RAD-140 20mg/ml
Testolone RAD-140 is a liquid SARM that athletes love to use for its ability to help increase muscle mass and strength. It’s also been known to help reduce body fat.
- Bulking: 30-50mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks is the suggested dosage to achieve quality bulking results.
- Cutting: To cut while using Testolone RAD-140, the dosage should be set at 10-15mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks.
- Recovery: 10mg per day is the ideal dosage for recovery purposes when using Testolone RAD-140.
Ostarine MK-2866 25mg/ml
This liquid SARM serves as a great alternative to anabolic steroids and is the most popular SARMs on the market today. Ostarine has been known to help increase muscle mass, strength, and reduce body fat.
- Bulking: 30-50mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks is the suggested dosage range when bulking with Ostarine MK-2866.
- Cutting: To cut while using this SARM, the dosage should be set at 10-15mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks.
- Recovery: 10mg per day is the ideal dosage for recovery purposes when using Ostarine MK-2866.
Ibutamoren MK677 30 mg/ml
Ibutamoren is a very known liquid SARM that was designed to help increase muscle mass and strength. It’s been used by many athletes for its ability to promote better sleep, increase IGF-1 levels, and reduce body fat.
- Bulking: 30-50mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks is the suggested dosage when bulking with Ibutamoren MK677.
- Cutting: 10-15mg per day is the ideal dosage to achieve fat loss when using Ibutamoren MK677.
- Recovery: 10mg per day is the suggested dosage for recovery purposes when using Ibutamoren MK677.
Ligandrol LGD-4033 10 mg/ml
Ligandrol is an oral SARM that also comes in the form of a liquid SARM and is known to be one of the most powerful SARMs on the market. It’s been known to help increase muscle mass, strength, and reduce body fat.
- Bulking: 30-50mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks is the suggested dosage when bulking with Ligandrol LGD-4033.
- Cutting: 10-15mg per day is the ideal dosage to achieve fat loss when using Ligandrol LGD-4033.
- Recovery: 10mg per day is the suggested dosage for recovery purposes when using Ligandrol LGD-4033.
Cardarine GW-501516 20 mg/ml
GW-501516, also known as Cardarine, is one of the most used liquid SARM because it’s effective at reducing body fat and increasing cardiovascular endurance.
- Bulking: 20mg per day can be used as the suggested dosage to achieve quality bulking results when using Cardarine GW-501516.
- Cutting: 10mg per day is the ideal dosage to achieve fat loss while cutting with Cardarine GW-501516.
- Recovery: 10mg per day is the suggested dosage for recovery purposes when using Cardarine GW-501516.
Andarine S-4 Liquid 50 mg/ml
Andarine is known to be one of the safest liquid SARM alternatives to anabolic steroids that athletes have been using for its ability to help increase muscle mass, strength, and reduce body fat.
- Bulking: 30-50mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks is the suggested dosage when bulking with Andarine S-4.
- Cutting: To cut while using this SARM, the dosage should be set at 10-15mg per day for a period of 4-8 weeks.
- Recovery: 10mg per day is the ideal dosage for recovery purposes when using Andarine S-4.
The legal status of liquid SARMs
Liquid SARMs, just like oral SARMs, are legal to purchase and use in most countries where anabolic steroids are illegal. Liquid SARMs are similar to anabolic steroids but are more beneficial in comparison.
Anabolic steroids are known to have side effects that could lead to liver damage, cardiovascular problems, acne, hair loss, infertility among other undesirable effects. This is why WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has banned their use among athletes because of these side effects while liquid SARMs do not have the same side effect profile as anabolic steroids.
This is why bodybuilders and other athletes who use anabolic steroids recreationally have turned to liquid SARMs instead. That being said, please keep in mind that while liquid SARMs are legal for purchase and use in most countries where anabolic steroid laws are strict; it’s also important to research each country’s specific laws on their use to avoid any legal issues or problems.
Product reviews for liquid SARMs?
- Billy Draymond (February 3, 2021): Liquid SARMs are my absolute favorite bulking supplement. I’ve been using Anadrine for a few months now and have seen some great results. I’m up about 10 pounds and my bench has gone up by about 50 pounds.
- Rachel Moody (February 15, 2021): After using liquid SARMs for a few months, I’ve managed to lose about 10 pounds of fat and my body is looking better than ever. I’d definitely recommend these to anyone looking to cut or bulk up.
- George Charles (February 24, 2021): I used liquid LGD-4033 while cutting and it was amazing! I was able to lose fat while maintaining all my muscle mass. Definitely recommend this SARM if you’re looking to cut!
- Chris Black (March 3, 2021): I’ve been using liquid GW-501516 for about 8 weeks now and have seen some great results. My body fat % has decreased while my muscle mass has stayed the same. Definitely recommend this SARM if you’re looking to cut!
- Josiah Carberry (March 14, 2021): Liquid Andarine is absolutely amazing if you’re looking to cut! I’ve been able to stay lean while putting on some good muscle mass. If you want to look great at the beach this summer, definitely give these a try!
- William Johnson (March 23, 2021): After using liquid SARMs for about 3 years now, I can definitely see why so many people are raving about them. Not only have they helped me recover better after workouts but they have helped me put on some serious muscle mass. You won’t regret trying them out!
- Stephen Holmes (April 2, 2021): I was skeptical about liquid SARMs at first but now that I’ve tried them out, I can definitely see why my friends keep recommending them to me. Liquid SARMs are absolutely amazing! If you’re looking for another supplement to try out, look no further than liquid SARMs.
- Sally Hansen (April 13, 2021): After using Sarms Xtreme Stenabolic for a few months now, I can definitely see why it is so popular among bodybuilders and athletes alike. This SARM has helped me cut down all of the fat around my stomach area which gives me an overall more lean physique. Definitely recommend this product if you’re looking for something new to try out!
- James Johnson (April 30, 2021): Liquid SARMs are definitely the best supplement I’ve ever tried. Not only have they helped me maintain my hard-earned muscle mass but they’re also helping me recover after my workouts! I can’t recommend them enough to anyone looking for a great SARM supplement to try out.
- Cameron Lomax (May 11, 2021): Liquid SARMs are one of my favorite supplements to take before bed because it helps me sleep really well at night. If you want better quality sleep and more rest throughout the night, definitely give these a shot!
FAQs about liquid SARMs
Are liquid SARMs the same as oral SARMs?
Yes. They are pretty much the same. What sets them apart is the way they are administered. For liquid SARMs, the ingredients are suspended in a liquid solution so you can drink it like you would any other beverage. On the other hand, oral SARMs must be taken as tablets or capsules but they basically do the same thing once they enter your body after being digested.
Is liquid SARMs better than traditional steroids?
Yes. While traditional anabolic steroids have their benefits, liquid SARMs work much more effectively because of their increased bioavailability and better solubility levels compared to traditional steroid supplements. Liquid SARMs also lack harsh side effects that are common with traditional steroid supplements because they simply don’t affect your hormones whatsoever! Plus, liquid SARMs are very easy on the which is why we promote using them over traditional steroids.
Can I stack liquid SARMs with other supplements?
Yes! You can definitely stack liquid SARMs with other supplements like protein powders, pre-workout supplements, and post-workout supplements. In fact, many people find that stacking different types of supplements together leads to even better results. Just make sure you always do your research first to figure out what combination of supplements will work best for you!
Conclusion and summary
There is no denying that liquid SARMs are really awesome! Using liquid SARMs will help you maintain your muscle mass while burning away all of the excess body fat you don’t want. Not only are liquid SARMs easy to purchase online but they also have many different positive reviews from customers who swear by them. If you’ve been meaning to try out a new supplement, we highly recommend checking out liquid SARMs because it is really well-liked!
I’ve used both pills and liquids, and they both function the same. I was concerned that liquid would perform better, but both operate as well. I like liquid SARM better because it’s simpler to divide the dose, but both are equally effective. The SARM I took was Stenabolic SR-9009 20mg/ml.
Ran Ostarine MK-2866 25mg/ml almost completely unsuppressed. I’m currently attempting a light rad 140 dose for 8 weeks at 15 mg. preparing a pct with HCG and Clomid. I believe it will enable me to assess my susceptibility to suppression. If I have severe suppression, I’ll probably just continue bulking with Ostarine MK-2866 till I can start taking TRT in the future.
I am writing this reviews for liquid SARMs to say that I am absolutely in love with it. I have been taking it for about a month now and I can honestly say that the difference is night and day. When I first began, I was worried that the taste would be unbearable but it is actually tastes great and almost like a drinkable dessert! The best part is, the benefit of liquid SARM is that it is absorbed into the body much quicker and easier than the pill form.
I was dubious about trying Liquid SARMs at first, but the fact that it is pure and unadulterated – without any fillers, additives or other ingredients that I can’t pronounce. I was really impressed with the quality of the product. I used Cardarine GW-501516 20 mg/ml, and I see amazing results. Cutting with Cardarine GW-501516 gives me the best physique ever.
I’ve been taking Myostine YK11 for bulking purposes for the past six months and I can’t say enough about them. I no longer have to worry about putting on weight as my body just continues to bulk up. And, even though I’m adding mass, my muscles haven’t lost any of their definition. If I were to ask between oral steroids versus liquid SARMs, I would choose Myostine YK11 any day.
Sarms are effective—the research supports that—but you must be conscious of their negative effects when using them. Stick to the specified dosages, cycle for no longer than two to three months, and make sure to perform a pct at the conclusion. I personally used Ibutamoren MK677 30 mg/ml, and I am very happy with the results. I wish you much success and good health! Continue bulking with Ibutamoren MK677!
I lost 13-16% of my body weight while using Liquid SARMs from May to September (with a break of 1.5 months in between), moving from 183 pounds to 188–194 pounds. Most of my lifts became significantly more powerful. Overall, the positive effects of using liquid SARMS is stronger than I would have been, and I definitely gained far more bulk than I would have.
I just used Liquid SARMs- Andarine S-4 Liquid 50 mg/ml for a month and I gained 15 pounds of muscle. It’s great because I was able to take out a lot of the fat and carbs from my diet and only focus on the protein. Within that same time span, my lifts have drastically increased so it made me even more confident in my decision to use bulking with Andarine S-4
I believe that putting the liquid SARMs under your tongue for a minute before swallowing would increase its effectiveness. Myostine YK11 10mg/ml is one of the examples of liquid SARMs that I take, and its giving me the best result so far.
I have been taking Liquid SARMs- Ligandrol LGD-4033 10 mg/ml for the last 2 years and it has helped me immensely in my fitness goals. I am much stronger than I was before and I have a lot more energy bulking with Ligandrol LGD-4033.
Always choose liquid SARM. Tried SARMs in both forms, and the liquid always had considerably more powerful effects. I personally utilize Testolone RAD-140 20mg/ml, and it’s giving me the best result ever. Using Testolone RAD-140 20mg ml, I can get excellent body development, and an incredible increase in sex drive. I also feel much more powerful and energetic than before. The best thing is that this liquid SARM doesn’t have any side effects on me, no headaches or insomnia.
I’ve been using Liquid SARMs for a few years now and have never felt better. The positive effects of using liquid SARMS is an increase in my body’s fat-burning capabilities while boosting my energy levels and giving me a ton more focus than I previously had. I am able to get through any challenge that crosses my path in life…thanks to Liquid SARMS.